Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Washington DC the White House, WWII, Vietnam and Lincoln Memorial

Walking from our hotel towards the White House we are able to admire few others buildings, like, the National Academy of Science (with the big Einstein statue) and the Federal Reserve Building, both on Constitution Avenue, we also happened to see the Vice President, Joe Biden, while he was going to the Interior Department, well we actually saw all the cars and the motorcycles ...
And here we are at the WHITE HOUSE!!!
This is the South side and the Washington Monument is right in front of it, turning on the side there is the Treasury Department and then Lafayette Square with the North side of the White House, this is where all the demonstrations take place
We have been hanging out there for a while, talking to the security people, but.. no sight of the President :-(
From the White House we are now moving to the Penn quarter, where there is also Chinatown, and where we are going to have a quick lunch at Zaytinya
We are now passing by the site of the shooting of President Lincoln, just in front the Ford's Theater
And the Archives of the United States, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, the US Navy Memorial in Market Square
The FBI building, the Old Post Office and Freedom Plaza
It is only 5pm, but we are really tired, should we got back to the hotel? Nooooooo, let's go to the Washington Monument instead!
And to part of the Memorials, here below is the WWII
And the Vietnam Memorial
And finally the Lincoln Memorial, for me this is the most emotional and meaningful one
 Along this Reflecting Pool in 1963 took place the March on Washington and the speech that changed the world, I cannot believe I am here
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was standing right here below on this spot, this is definitely the highlight of our journey so far

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