Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Washington DC The Mall

Today we are going to walk along the Mall, so that we can visit the rest of Memorials and all the Museums (at least from outside).
Here below is the Korean Memorial
The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
 And finally the Jefferson Memorial
Leaving the Memorials area we are passing by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
And then all the others Museums, here below  is the National Museum of the American Indian and National Museum of American History, which should have been worth a visit (next time)
OK it is lunch time and we are going to Ben's Chili Bowl, an institution in Washington, we are having the Bill Cosby's favorite!!! Even President Obama comes here!!! That is really exciting!!!

  And Chris Rock!
 We need to burn calories now :-) let's have a walk in Georgetown University!
After a nice nap at the hotel we are going to have dinner to another special place, Martin's Tavern, which is the place where President Kennedy proposed to Jackqueline, ain't romantic? :-)
It happened right here below at this booth! Grazie Onofrio for the picture (mine were all horrible and I had a very limited window of time because people were sitting there...)
I am so happy we are eating at these special places! We had Crab Cake Platter (Martin's family recipe for 80 years!) and Martin's delight and for dessert bread pudding, wonderful!
Well that is all for Washington, 3 days have been ok for us, but maybe 4 days would be even better, if you want to take it slower and visit few museums.
See you tomorrow when we will leave for Charleston, 10 hours driving, Onofrioooooooo!!!

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