Saturday, May 10, 2014


Savannah, Georgia, is very different from the other American cities and you can see it from the pictures, same with Charleston yesterday. The main streets are River Street and City Market

We have gone to a tour called Day Clean Journey which has taught us about the African traditions that the first slaves tried keep and pass on to their children, it is extremely interesting and the tour guide, Jamal, is funny, sharp and very informative.
We have visited what is considered one of the first African American Baptist church.

In the afternoon we have enjoyed a huge ice cream at famous Leopold's
For dinner we are, once again, following the Eye Witness advice, we are going to the Olde Pink House. Very nice place, we had to wait like 40 minutes, but it was worth it. On the main street, River Street, there are many other places, but they all kind look the same.
Anyway we had the Tavern Platter, Fried Green Tomato, Portabello Mushroom, Artichoke Fritters and the Archies Platter, Calamari, Southern Sushi, Shrimp Wrap
OK tomorrow we are going on the Movie Tour, many movies in fact have been shot in Savannah

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