Sunday, May 4, 2014

Philadelphia - Washington DC

Since it takes only 2 hours and 30 minutes to get to Washington we have decided to spend the morning in Philadelphia and have lunch at the famous Geno's Steaks to taste his great Cheese Steaks!!!
Geno's Steaks is close to the another historic Cheese Steaks, Pat's, they are both located in southern Philly, the area is definitely different from to the city center, but again it was ok, and  we even found a parking space.
I am very happy with Philadelphia, in almost 3 days we have seen everything we wanted to see, the hotel, Club Quarters, was very nice (there was also a free self service laundry! Very useful for us), I almost preferred it over Boston.

Ok so let's go to Washington!
Since it is only  6pm we have decided to visit the Arlington Cemetery, which is just outside DC, basically there is a bridge that links Washington to Arlington (Virginia), you can even walk it, but it is kind of long.
This is the cemetery where JFK and his wife and Robert Kennedy have been buried.
What can I say... we have seen where the President was born in Boston and now we are standing on his grave, only God knows what really happened and why he was assassinated, I am just so grateful I am here to honor him, very emotional moment
Arlington Cemetery is also home to the Unknown Soldiers Tomb
Changing guard happens every 30 minutes and it 24/7
In this picture below you can see the Amphitheater (last picture on the right) and the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the second picture on the left, you can also see this typical America motorbike, like in the movie!
It is still 7pm so let's go to the Pentagon, which is very close to the Arlington Cemetery. We have seen the 9/11 Memorial and the reconstructed side, which has been purposely done with lighter stones for people to always recognize where the plan crushed in (no photos allowed).

Time to go to the hotel, the George Washington University Inn is located in the hart of the George Washington University, unfortunately it is very old fashioned, very old bed and bathroom, so far definitely the worse of the 3 hotels, and surely not the cheaper...
The hotel is also close to the famous Watergate Complex and the Kennedy Center. Here below is the Kennedy Center and my friend Rose, it was very nice talking to her, she was only ten, when she saw Dr. King in 1963
 And this is the Watergate Complex
That's it for today, I will see you tomorrow when we are going to visit the Capitol, maybe we will meet the President :-)

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