Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chicago South Side

As promised today we are taking it slower, so after mass at Saint Peter's Church, let's take the car and go visit the main Obama's sites! :-)
I studied about them when I was still in Ireland!
First stop Kenwood, the president's former house, where he was living before the White House, and where he will be back in two years. Unfortunately we couldn't go in front of the house because Michelle was in and therefore the road was blocked by the police
The second stop is just nearby, Hyde Park, Obamas previous house
In the same area three is the apartment where President Obama used to live when he was a student!
Then we have stopped by the two main restaurants where he used to go and still does sometimes, Medici and Valois
Obama was at Valois only 2 days ago!!! He was in Chicago for a fundraising and all of a sudden he decided to stop by for breakfast :-)
We have had a nice chat with Gianni, an Italo American guy who works here at Valois, he explained to us that when the President arrives whoever is inside remains in and whoever is out has to wait for the President to leave. Can you believe it!!! I couldn't imagine if it was me having breakfast and all of a sudden Barrack Obama enters the restaurant, OMG!!!
Anyway we have had the President Obama's special number 1 and 4
Back to the Loop, we are going to walk a little a little in Grant Park and check out the famous Buckingham Fountain
OK so I think we have seen enough and we are now ready to go back to the hotel and rest because tomorrow it will be another driving day, maybe we will reach the 10 hours again! We'll see, we are going to ... surprise :-)

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