Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Heavy Rain and Atlantic City

It was raining in the morning, but not that bad, so we took our time, enjoying chatting with Patti and Gloria's neighbors, these last, they go very often to Italy and they speak good Italian, it has been fun!
We went to buy an American sim card for the cell phone, we prepared our panini and we left around 5 pm.

Well, we didn't have realize that the rain was really heavy and that the Jersey shore, where we had to drive, was in really bad conditions... 
As soon as we got to New Jersey, from the Holland Tunnel, we got very scared, it was really bad whether, we had never seen something like it.
We were almost determined to get a room in a hotel nearby the service area where we have stopped, then all of a sudden, we have felt more confident and secure that we could make it, so we have kept going!

I don't know how we have made it, but we did! Thank God! It has been our worse experience ever, the rain was ultra heavy, it was also foggy, and we couldn't see anything.

So here we are in Atlantic City, of course it is still very bad here too, but at least we are not driving and we have a roof on our heads! Plus we get to play to the Casino!!!
 Obviously we have lost ... anyway it has been fun, we will try it again one day in Las Vegas :-)
Goodnight everyone!!!

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