Saturday, April 26, 2014

Harvard University and JFK National Historic Site

I am very happy that in two days we have been all around Boston, it is exactly what I expected very nice, clean and elegant. But it is time to go now!
So back to the airport to the rent a car, but before to leave for NYC, we wanted to have a quick tour around Harvard University, which is situated in Cambridge, just few Kilometers outside Boston. Unfortunately it was raining so we didn't enjoy it much, but anyway a senior student guided us a little bit around the Harvard Yard and he was telling us all about the different houses and all the stupid things that they make the freshmen do ...

From Harvard, just few Kilometers south Boston, we went to visit the house were JFK was born, the first house where his parents lived as a married couple and where four of their children were born!
It has been a very emotional experience.

So just to recap, you will need to full days only for the city center, Boston is not that big so you can walk all over the city. We have stayed in a hotel in the Theater district, Revere Hotel, very nice, but very expensive as all the other hotels in this city center, nonetheless I really think it was worth it (I always prefer hotels in the city center). There are many other sites around Boston, so you should consider another day, I picked Harvard and the JFK site, but I would have loved to visit the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, unfortunately we have to leave in the early afternoon.

Ok this time we are going for real! NYC here we come!

It takes almost 4 hours from Boston to NYC, the road and the traffic are ok, of course the only one driving is Onofrio! :-)
He was a little bit nervous at the beginning, but now he really enjoys it!
I will never thank Gloria enough for let us staying with her, while in NYC, GRAZIE GLORIA!!! LOVE YOU!!!

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