Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Heavy Rain and Atlantic City

It was raining in the morning, but not that bad, so we took our time, enjoying chatting with Patti and Gloria's neighbors, these last, they go very often to Italy and they speak good Italian, it has been fun!
We went to buy an American sim card for the cell phone, we prepared our panini and we left around 5 pm.

Well, we didn't have realize that the rain was really heavy and that the Jersey shore, where we had to drive, was in really bad conditions... 
As soon as we got to New Jersey, from the Holland Tunnel, we got very scared, it was really bad whether, we had never seen something like it.
We were almost determined to get a room in a hotel nearby the service area where we have stopped, then all of a sudden, we have felt more confident and secure that we could make it, so we have kept going!

I don't know how we have made it, but we did! Thank God! It has been our worse experience ever, the rain was ultra heavy, it was also foggy, and we couldn't see anything.

So here we are in Atlantic City, of course it is still very bad here too, but at least we are not driving and we have a roof on our heads! Plus we get to play to the Casino!!!
 Obviously we have lost ... anyway it has been fun, we will try it again one day in Las Vegas :-)
Goodnight everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 days in NYC meeting the American cousins :-)

So basically, I have this amazing family tree, that made me want to find out more about this fantastic part of the family here in NYC.
We have been staying with Gloria, my grandfather's cousin, she is absolutely awesome, we really love her!!! Thanks to her we got to meet the whole family!
On Sunday we have met Debra, Tom and Jackie (see pictures on FB), thank you guys for the lunch!
On Monday, thanks to the power of Tom :-) we have been touring the UN, one of the coolest experience ever!!! And then Tom has invited us for a nice dinner at Barbounia restaurant! Grazie Tom!
Since Gloria knows that we both love to cook, she has been so nice to organize a wonderful visit to the Culinary Institute of America for lunch on Tuesday!!! Very interesting, students come from all over to study here, we might think about it :-)
In the evening we have been driving around Lower Manhattan, very very exciting!!! What you see in the picture is the Freedom Tower, there is still much work to do, but I bet it will be amazing when done!

Well that's it, tomorrow we are leaving for Atlantic City!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Harvard University and JFK National Historic Site

I am very happy that in two days we have been all around Boston, it is exactly what I expected very nice, clean and elegant. But it is time to go now!
So back to the airport to the rent a car, but before to leave for NYC, we wanted to have a quick tour around Harvard University, which is situated in Cambridge, just few Kilometers outside Boston. Unfortunately it was raining so we didn't enjoy it much, but anyway a senior student guided us a little bit around the Harvard Yard and he was telling us all about the different houses and all the stupid things that they make the freshmen do ...

From Harvard, just few Kilometers south Boston, we went to visit the house were JFK was born, the first house where his parents lived as a married couple and where four of their children were born!
It has been a very emotional experience.

So just to recap, you will need to full days only for the city center, Boston is not that big so you can walk all over the city. We have stayed in a hotel in the Theater district, Revere Hotel, very nice, but very expensive as all the other hotels in this city center, nonetheless I really think it was worth it (I always prefer hotels in the city center). There are many other sites around Boston, so you should consider another day, I picked Harvard and the JFK site, but I would have loved to visit the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, unfortunately we have to leave in the early afternoon.

Ok this time we are going for real! NYC here we come!

It takes almost 4 hours from Boston to NYC, the road and the traffic are ok, of course the only one driving is Onofrio! :-)
He was a little bit nervous at the beginning, but now he really enjoys it!
I will never thank Gloria enough for let us staying with her, while in NYC, GRAZIE GLORIA!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Boston Beacon Hill and Back Bay

First stop of day the Old Granary Burying Ground where patriots Samuel Adams, Paul Revere and John Hancock have been buried.

Just behind the Old Granary Burying Ground there is the Massachusetts State House, it is free entry and you get to visit the House of Representatives and the Senate Chamber (which unfortunately was under renovation).

Thanks to the nice whether we have enjoyed a nice walk around the beautiful Beacon Hill quarter, where it is also situated the Museum of African American history, which is definitely worth a visit. For lunch we have picked the second oldest restaurant in USA Jacob Wirth.
In the afternoon we have been walking from the Boston Common to the Back Bay quarter, Boston shopping area (Newbury street and Boylston street), where Copley Square, Trinity Church and John Hancock Tower are, and you can also have a look at the Marathon finish line!
 Well that's it for today! See you tomorrow when we will leave for NYC!!! :-)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Old Boston, Financial District, North End and the Waterfront, Theater District

We woke up at 6am, jet leg..., anyway we have left the hotel at 8am, in order to begin our tour!
First fantastic surprise of the day has been the Thinking Cup,
It is definitely the kind of place that I love, small, nice environment and, above all, great food quality, lots of brioches and cakes and biscuits accompanied with a good cappuccino, to make you really enjoy your breakfast! Grazie Onofrio for this amazing finding!
After breakfast we have decided to start from Old Boston and Financial District, with the Old State House and the Old South Meeting House
The Declaration of Independence was read from this balcony in 1776

The Old South Meeting House


 The Irish Famine Memorial
The Old City Hall and the King's Chapel



Then we have moved towards the actual City Hall and the Custom House 
Passing by the New England Holocaust Memorial


The Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market


For lunch we have chosen the oldest restaurant in USA the Union Oyster House, dated back to 1826, we have had the clam chowder, the scrod (cod) and fishcakes, nice place, we have also seen JFK favorite booth!
After lunch, we have been walking in the Italia Quarter in North End Boston, where we have also visited Paul Revere house and the Old North Church. This is the church in which belfry were hung signal lanterns in order to alert the patriots in Charlestown of the departure of the English troops.
From the North End we have reached the Waterfront, unfortunately it was really windy but anyway sunny. We have walked all along, passing by the Aquarium and the Rowes Wharf to the reconstruction of the Boston Tea Party Ship.
  Going back we have passed through the Post Office Square and the Art Deco style Verizon building. 

Finally we have walked around Chinatown and the Theater district. We have been walking around for almost 12 hours, I say it is time to go back to the hotel and recharge!